
Come out for a good time, with good people, and listen to some good...no, great!...music.
When: Friday the 23rd, 6-8 PM
Where: Arrowwood (Rose City Park)
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
When: Thursday the 29th, 6-8 PM
Where: Barnard Griffin (Vancouver Waterfront)
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
When: Friday the 1st, 5-7 PM
Where: Willamette Valley Vineyards Tasting Room (McMinnville)
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
When: Friday the 8th, 6-8 PM
Where: Arrowwood (Rose City Park)
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
When: Sunday the 17th, 5-7 PM
Where: Goose Hollow Inn
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
When: Friday the 22nd, 5-7 PM
Where: Brian Carter Cellars (Vancouver Waterfront)
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
When: Friday the 29th, 6-8 PM
Where: Arrowwood (Rose City Park)
Who: Tim Uecker & Jen Holman.
Info on new gigs updated as soon as possible!
Keep checking back in here and stay well.


Things to know about me
My passion in life is making music.
My fav artist: Dylan
My fav quote:
“Safe? Is he safe?
Who said anything about safe?
‘Course he isn’t safe.
But he’s good.
He’s the King, I tell you.”
~ C.S. Lewis
Music that moves me
Bob Dylan
Bruce Cockburn
Ben Harper
Buddy Miller
The Call
Champion Jack Dupree
David Crowder Band
Dave Alvin
Jack Johnson
Johnny Cash
Jimi Hendrix
Kelly Joe Phelps
Larry Norman
Miles Davis
Tony Bennett
Woody Guthrie
Vigilantes of Love
The STORY that fuels my SONGS . . .
Music is life, my life is music! Life doesn't always listen to the music -- of time in motion, in the commotion, in the silence.
My world has always seen music as a way to talk about life, process life, and help to make sense of my life and life in general.
Life came into existence by a song, at least that's what the poets say in the Book of Genesis. I gather that sometimes the music was loud and aggressive (like the Big Bang theorists talk about), sometimes it was soft, slow, even seemingly motionless in it's evolution, like a gentle wave that changes the landscape by it's ebb and flow. Any way that the song might've been sung, the poets say that 'It was Good!'.
One of my lifelong favorite artists and songwriting mentors (unbeknownst to him), Bob Dylan, wrote a song titled, 'It's All Good'. I think he's definitely part of the poets DNA and thoughts in Genesis!!
My music bio is simply: I heard music, I loved and love music, and I live and make music. It's all good!!
I've have a lot of music that you can listen to, off of this website. You can hear my story, other people's stories, my life's heartbeat in my instrumental pieces, and my hope overall, that love WILL conquer all!!!
Enjoy THIS much of my life's work in music, thus far. Definitely there's more to come!!!! You can find this and some of my other cd’s on iTunes or cdbaby.com. If you’re interested in having play or want to explore your ability to play music, give me an e-buzz at TimUeckerMusic@gmail.com
I haven't received any awards or record contracts for my music to list. No recognition by prominent artists or institutions, but that's all good as well, it would probably just go to my head. In one of my songs, 'Another Rainy Day', I call that problem 'ego inflation'. My friends and family's validations are plenty good!!
And thank YOU for checking out and investing in my music. Whether you've heard me 'live' or on CD or on other digital sites, I'm always blessed, in whatever way you happen to come in touch with my music.....by your interest!!
As a songwriter, composer, arranger, instrumentalist and singer....I'm always ready to write and create something new!! I'm always mystified, excited (and challenged) that there's another song ready to come through my mind, heart and fingers out of this thing called 'Life'!! Very cool and VERY GOOD!!!